Trade Only Graphic Design Service Now Available At IBS.

19 March 2019

Posted by: Natalie

We know you're busy.

We know that as a small business you're so bogged down in the day-to-day operations that it's hard to find the time to grow your business. You may not see it, but as your partner in print, we're constantly thinking of ways that we can help you grow. Last year, we threw it over to you in our customer survey to ask where we can help. How can we help relieve the load? What can we do to help you grow your business?

How can we free up more of your time so you can spend it elsewhere?

We asked the questions, and we heard your answers loud and clear. We heard you saying it would be handy to have someone to quickly fix your jobs on hold, we heard you say you wished you had more help designing, we heard you ask for a better system to manage the designing process, we heard your struggles to keep up with the demanding deadlines of your clients, and we heard that with such small teams, sometimes you have to turn work away because there's just not enough hands.

We heard your overwhelming cry for design support, and have spent the last year building a system to support you. A design service with flat rate fees, 24 hours first draft turn arounds, and free, unlimited revisions if and when required.

Be one of the first businesses to try our new graphic design support service. Throw it at us, relieve some of the load, and let us truly support you as your partner in print.

View Our Design Portfolio Here